现在是中国艺术研究院文化艺术研究中心特邀创研员,中国高校美育研究会会员,中央文史馆山西文史馆馆员, 美国麻州布里奇沃特大学美术学院终身名誉教授,美国普利茅斯大学客座教授,美国纽约哥伦比亚大学客座教授。
Jikui Yang was born in Ruicheng,Shan\'xi Province in 1938. In 1961, during his study of Chinese classic literature in Shan\'xi University, his professor Dianzhong Yao introduced him to Baishi Qi\'s inheritor student - Xiuzheng Yang(1909-2008). Jikui Yang started his Chinese brushwork painting training with Xiuzheng Yang ever since. Jikui Yang taught writing in Shan\'xi Normal University, was associate professor in Shan\'xi Normal University Art Department, Dean and Professor of Art Department of Shan\'xi Institute of Education, Executive board member of Shan\'xi Society of Fine Art, Vice president of Shan\'xi Society of Brushwork. Jikui Yang solo exhibited his work in Japan in 1988. Jikui Yang also served as guest Professor in the U.S. and successfully had exhibitions in America in 2000,2001,2009,2011. He published personal art works collection \"The Painting of Jikui Yang \". (Beijing New World Publisher)
Jikui Yang is now a member of China Research Institute of fine art and Shan\'xi Research Institute of Culture and History. He was honored \"Distinguish Professor of lifetime\" by American Massachusetts Bridgewater State University. He was guest Professor of University of Plymouth and Columbia University.