张玉茂,字酣实,1949年生于辽宁省辽阳县,当代著名画家,沈阳市文史研究馆特聘研究员,南京书画院特聘画家。张玉茂自幼习画,后经明贤指导,临习古人名作,苦研传统。上世纪80年代初师从著名画家宋雨桂先生。几十年来,他对中国画的特殊技法进行了不懈的探索与实践,融会中西,其艺术创作能够将传统、生活与特殊绘画艺术语言巧妙和谐地展现在画面中,其作品因此呈现出丰富的艺术效果和奇特的诗话意境,而这些正是张玉茂想通过多种工具的使用来达到他对中国画新的语言组合的实现。他是当代探索中国画语言创新与拓进的画家中的佼佼者。其作品曾参加全国首届山水画展、第八届全国美展等大展并多次获奖。曾于辽宁美术馆、何香凝美术馆、新加坡中华总商会举办个展。作品被何香凝美术馆、辽宁美术馆、辽宁省博物馆等艺术机构收藏。日本、新加坡、美国,中国香港、台湾等国家和地区的收藏家亦收藏了他的大量作品。 出版有《张玉茂画集》、《张玉茂国画作品》、《张玉茂国画精粹》等画册。
Yumao Zhang,whose courtesy name is Hanshi,was born in Liaoyang,Liaoning Province in 1949.Zhang is a famous painter in the contemporary era,specially-invited researcher of Shenyang Research Institute of Culture and History,and specially invited painter of Nanjing Institute of Arts.
Yumao Zhang has learnt drawing since his childhood.He was instructed by great painters,imitated old artworks,and devoted himself in traditions.In the 1980s,Zhang became a student of Mr.Yugui Song.For decades,he has never stopped exploring and practicing the special techniques of Chinese Painting.Zhang has combined both Eastern and Western artistic styles.His artworks show an ingenious and harmonious combination of traditional,living,and special painting languages,and hence they present abundant effects and amazing prospects.Yumao Zhang is a creative painter who manipulates diverse painting tools to achieve the new combination of language of Chinese Painting.He is also the foregoer of exploring and creating the new meanings of Chinese Painting.Yumao Zhang’s artworks have been shown on the First National Exhibition of Landscapes and the Eighth National Exhibition of Fine Arts and have been awarded with many prizes.Zhang has had personal exhibitions in Liaoning Art Gallery,He Xiangning Art Gallery,and China General Chamber of Commerce in Singapore.Zhang’s artworks also have been collected by art organizations and collectors from Japan,Singapore,the United States,and all over the world.Zhang is also the author of books Album of Yumao Zhang,Chinese Paintings of Yumao Zhang,Succinct Chinese Paintings of Yumao Zhang etc