郭晋,1964年生于四川成都。1990年毕业于四川美院油画系,并留校任教。现居重庆。作品参加:1992年“首届90年代广州双年展”广州;1994年“中国油画从现实主义到后现代主义艺术”布鲁塞尔;1996年“中国当代绘画展”波恩;1997年“梦的分享—来自中国大陆五位艺术家”纽约,“来自中心国的相貌与身体—中国艺术展”布拉格Rudolfinum美术馆,“首届当代艺术邀请展”香港艺术中心,“引号—中国当代绘画展”新加坡美术馆;1998年“8 8-1—十五位当代艺术家绘画巡回展”伦敦,“中国当代绘画和摄影展”荷兰,“郭氏兄弟展”新加坡,并在伦敦中国当代画廊举办首届个展;1999年“中国当代艺术展”旧金山,“上河美术馆学术邀请展”成都,“‘开启通道’首届东宇美术馆收藏展”沈阳,并在伦敦中国当代画廊举办首届个展;2000年“世纪之门”成都当代美术馆,“秋季学术邀请展”成都当代美术馆,“上海美术馆藏作品展”上海美术馆,“郭伟,郭晋新作品展”北京四合院画廊,“弦外之音”悉尼MOSMAN艺术中心;2001年“郭伟,郭晋作品展”伦敦,“重庆辣椒”德国卡塞尔文化火车站,“面貌—中国当代绘画展”新加坡艺术博物馆,“成都双年展”,“艺术时代”上海精文美术馆;2002年“千年之缘—中国当代艺术展”纽约,“中国艺术三年展”广州艺术博物馆,“郭伟,郭晋作品展”纽约,“中国艺术展”杜依茨堡Kuppersmuhle美术馆。 ^_^ Guo Jin (1964—) Born in Sichuan Province. Graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts in 1990, and stayed to teach. Guo’s works are included in the first 90’s Guangzhou Biennial Exhibition in 1992; the Chinese Oil Paintings Exhibition-From Modernism to Post-Modernism in Brussels in 1994; the Exhibition of Modern Chinese Art in Bonn in 1996; the exhibition of“The Share of Dreams-Five Artists from Mainland China”in New York City, the Exhibition of Chinese Art from the 90\'s in 1997; the first Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Art at Hong Kong Art Center, and the Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Paintings at the Singapore Art Gallery in 1997;“8 8-1- The Tour Exhibition of 15 Contemporary Artists”in London, the Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Painting and Photography in the Netherlands, and the Exhibition of the Guo Brothers in Singapore in 1998. Guo also held his solo exhibition at the Contemporary Chinese Art Gallery in London in 1998. (Lot 294)