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  赵大陆 1953年生于北京,1982年毕业于北京电影学院美术系,曾在首都师范大学美术系任教授,中国美术家协会会员。1979年作为“星星画会”的主要成员参加了在北京举办的首届“星星画展”。作品曾参加过北京国际艺苑第三届美展、中国美协新人新作展、在新加坡举办的第一、第二届中国当代艺术家油画展等国内外画展。先后四次应邀赴意大利罗马举办个人油画展。两次应邀参加罗马国际文化团结学院的国际学院艺术沙龙年展,并两次获奖,该学院在罗马向赵大陆颁发了1993年度“坎皮多利奥”金质奖章,并吸收赵大陆为该学院院士。2001年6月作为亚太地区画家的唯一代表应邀参加联合国粮农组织在总部罗马举办的首届“人与土地”文化艺术展,并荣获联合国粮农组织银质奖章。2003年以油画《老费》入选澳洲最赋盛名的“阿奇博肖像画展”并赢得“人民之选奖”。2011年在中国美术馆举办了《阅读记忆》个展。作品曾被中国美术馆、何香凝美术馆、澳大利亚国家肖像博物馆、澳大利亚昆士兰国立美术馆收藏。1989年出版《赵大陆油画人体选》,1992年出版《赵大陆油画作品集》,1997年出版《赵大陆油画作品》2011年出版《阅读记忆》、《十八岁》。

  Zhao Dalu 1953 Born in Beijing China and immigrated into Australia in October 2001. He was a professor at the Capital Normal University in Beijing.—The works awarded at the \"All-China Teachers\" Exhibition(1987), \"The Great Wall\" Exhibition(1988), \"The National Art\" Exhibition(1992). —Personal show in Rome Italy(1990. 1991. 1993. 2000.).—Winning the \"Campidolio d\'Oro. 1993\"—gold award of the International Institute of Culture Unity of Italy.—In June 2001, as the only representative of Asian-Pacific artists invited to participate in the first \"Men for Earth\" by F.A.O. of the United Nations in Rome and awarded the silver medal by the Director-General of the Organization.—The Oil painting \"Lao Fei, Stephen FitzGerald\" Won the 2003 People’s Choice Award of the Archibald Prize in Sydney(May 2003) and in Melbourne(Feb 2004).—The Oil painting \"Stage Life-John Clark\" was selected by 2004Archibald Prize in Sydney. The Oil painting \"Art Student \" was selected by 2004 The Doug Moran National Portrait Prize in Sydney.—Personal show in Sydney Trevor Victor Harvey Gallery on 2005.(Lot 95) .2011Solo exhibiton entitled \"Reading the Memory\", National Art Museum of China.




  赵大陆 1953年生于北京,1982年毕业于北京电影学院美术系,曾在首都师范大学美术系任教授,中国美术家协会会员。1979年作为“星星画会”的主要成员参加了在北京举办的首届“星星画展”。作品曾参加过北京国际艺苑第三届美展、中国美协新人新作展、在新加坡举办的第一、第二届中国当代艺术家油画展等国内外画展。先后四次应邀赴意大利罗马举办个人油画展。两次应邀参加罗马国际文化团结学院的国际学院艺术沙龙年展,并两次获奖,该学院在罗马向赵大陆颁发了1993年度“坎皮多利奥”金质奖章,并吸收赵大陆为该学院院士。2001年6月作为亚太地区画家的唯一代表应邀参加联合国粮农组织在总部罗马举办的首届“人与土地”文化艺术展,并荣获联合国粮农组织银质奖章。2003年以油画《老费》入选澳洲最赋盛名的“阿奇博肖像画展”并赢得“人民之选奖”。2011年在中国美术馆举办了《阅读记忆》个展。作品曾被中国美术馆、何香凝美术馆、澳大利亚国家肖像博物馆、澳大利亚昆士兰国立美术馆收藏。1989年出版《赵大陆油画人体选》,1992年出版《赵大陆油画作品集》,1997年出版《赵大陆油画作品》2011年出版《阅读记忆》、《十八岁》。

  Zhao Dalu 1953 Born in Beijing China and immigrated into Australia in October 2001. He was a professor at the Capital Normal University in Beijing.—The works awarded at the \"All-China Teachers\" Exhibition(1987), \"The Great Wall\" Exhibition(1988), \"The National Art\" Exhibition(1992). —Personal show in Rome Italy(1990. 1991. 1993. 2000.).—Winning the \"Campidolio d\'Oro. 1993\"—gold award of the International Institute of Culture Unity of Italy.—In June 2001, as the only representative of Asian-Pacific artists invited to participate in the first \"Men for Earth\" by F.A.O. of the United Nations in Rome and awarded the silver medal by the Director-General of the Organization.—The Oil painting \"Lao Fei, Stephen FitzGerald\" Won the 2003 People’s Choice Award of the Archibald Prize in Sydney(May 2003) and in Melbourne(Feb 2004).—The Oil painting \"Stage Life-John Clark\" was selected by 2004Archibald Prize in Sydney. The Oil painting \"Art Student \" was selected by 2004 The Doug Moran National Portrait Prize in Sydney.—Personal show in Sydney Trevor Victor Harvey Gallery on 2005.(Lot 95) .2011Solo exhibiton entitled \"Reading the Memory\", National Art Museum of China.



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