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潘天寿 官网

  潘天寿(1897年-1971年),浙江宁海人,原名天授,字大颐,号阿寿、雷婆头峰寿者。是20世纪中国杰出的艺术家。<br>潘天寿精于写意花鸟、山水,偶作人物,兼工书法,而尤擅指墨。其画风沉雄奇险,苍古高华,大气磅礴,具有慑人的力量感和强烈的现代意识,他以对传统的全面继承和独特的创造,与吴昌硕、齐白石、黄宾虹并称为20世纪中国画“四大家”。在20世纪文化和社会大变革的时代,他从中国绘画体系内部发现问题,并明确提出解决方案,真正从学术层面捍卫了民族传统,并以杰出的艺术实践,极大地丰富和发展了民族传统,借古开今,对现代画坛影响深远。<br>潘天寿历任国立艺专教授、校长、浙江美术学院教授、院长、全国人大代表、中国美协副主席、浙江美协主席等职,一生著述丰富,对美术创作、美术教育、画史画论、诗书篆刻等均有精深研究和论述,并建立了一套完整的迄今影响最大的中国画教学体系,被称为现代中国画教学的奠基人。<br>Pan Tianshou (1897-1971), born in Ninghai, Zhejiang Province, has original surname of Tianshou, another name of Dayi, and alias of Ashou, Leipo Toufeng Shouzhe. He is an outstanding artist of China in the 20th century.<br>Pan Tianshou is proficient in sketching flowers, birds, mountains and rivers, makes paintings on figures occasionally while making calligraphy in the mean time, especially finger ink. His painting is characteristic of majesty and oddity, vigorous and grand, and impressing sense of force and strong modern awareness. Upon his comprehensive inheritance and unique innovation, he and Wu Changshuo, Qi Baishi and Huang Binhong are named “Four Major Artists” of Chinese painting in the 20th century. Amongst the great cultural and social changes in this century, he discovered problems inside the Chinese painting system and explicitly proposed solutions safeguarding national traditions from the perspective of academic research in its real sense and greatly enriching and developing such traditions with outstanding arts practices, while drawing lessons from ancient for the purpose of today, that has imposed far-reaching influence on contemporary painting field.<br>One after another, Pan Tianshou acted as a professor and president of National School of Fine Arts, a professor and headmaster of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts, a member of National People’s Congress, Vice-president of China Artists Association, Vice-president of Zhejiang Artists Association and so on with large number of books and articles in his life. He has a profound study and comment on fine arts innovation, fine arts education, painting history and comment, poem calligraphy and seal cutting, and has established a complete, the most far-reaching education system for Chinese painting, He was called as the teacher for traditional Chinese painting in modern times.






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