石虎,1942年出生于河北太行山下的一个偏僻乡村,1958年进入北京美术学校,1960年入浙江美术学院,毕业以后,他开始了一连串“体验生活”的艰苦历程。在这期间,他还当了6年的士兵。 这位被美国人称为“画家中的画家”、“中国的毕加索”的大画家,在1978年曾被安排远赴非洲13国写生访问,之后他的旅游画作结集成书,开始为人所注意,迟至1982年,画家才在南京博物院举行第一次个展,成为轰动一时的盛事,从那时起,他无形中已领导画坛,不断有新的画风出现,其情况和壮年的毕加索几乎没有两样,也是凡有所作,一定引起其他画家的跟风和模仿。
Shi Hu (Born 1942),Born in Hebei, Shi Hu studied at the Beijing Arts and Crafts College and the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts. He taught at the Beijing Arts Crafts College from 1968 to 1969. In 1977, Shi was employed as art director at the People\'s Fine Art Publishing House in Beijing. He made an extensive tour to Africa in 1978, and was inspired by the brilliant colours of the exotic cultures and wildlife. The influence of African art can be prominently observed in Shi\'s aesthetic expressions, and also led to the creation of the artist\'s famous \"African Sketches.\" Shi then undertook a serious study in western art, especially Modernism and Abstractionism. He is skilled in painting figures and animals with strong and unique configurations. He uses boneless technique to create strong contrast of bright colour tones and his brushstrokes are also bold and strong. Shi was incited to the United States as visiting scholar and later settled in Macau. From 1989 onwards, Shi has held exhibitions in the United States of America, Canada and Singapore, and was appointed as Director of the International Chinese Artists Association in Macau in 1996. In 2004, a solo exhibition of Shi Hu was held at the National Arts Museum which later was held in other Asian countries.